Airport Borispol Hotel in Kiev, Ukraine

Airport Borispol Hotel, Kiev, Ukraina Borispol International Airport travelers who are scheduled for an overnight layover, a long layover or simply a delayed flight will want to take advantage of the Airport Borispol Hotel. Located only a short 100 yards from the entrance of the Borispol International Airport Kiev Ukraine, the hotel is clean and close.

If you are in need of sleep and a shower then this is your destination.

Often, a taxi to the Kiev city center may cost as much as $50 from the local taxi drivers.

If sightseeing is not on your agenda, the same money will get you a room here and get you off of the street and out of the weather.

The hotel features 134 rooms. Amenities included in all rooms are satellite TV, telephone, shower/ bath and a refrigerator.

[Kiev Hotels] [Rus Hotel] [Premier Palace Hotel] [Dnipro Hotel]
[President Hotel Kievskaya] [Airport Borispol Hotel]

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